An independent perspective from a non-comformist poet and self actualized bohemian. Many comments may contain spiritual material sans religious dogma.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
the avuncular precipice
virgin at 50
he stopped
giving himself
;here now
?revelation and redemption
while listening
to train and clock
pierce, disassemble
the empty vapors, clouds
of the black night
the clock: on the wall clicking and ticking the tally of hours and minutes
the train: at the waterfront blaring and clearing its way on the tracks
him: hearing movement and time with no purpose but quiet
in a land where noise is renumeration
in a place where sound is validation
in a home dark with vibrations
his contribution is his inhalation and exhalation
profound and audible
he decides to prostitute
at 50
the voices of himself
shouting at each other
over the empty cliff
void of color and substance
emiting more
Sunday, May 3, 2009
La Lupa del Otoño
La Lupa del Otoño
el Otoño susurró su traje acuática
de seda
acariciando mis mejías
con gotitas--
entre bruma y llovizna una retahíla a mi
walking forth
backward from
journey to thought
la sabrosura de los últimos ña pitos
de septiembre
al vientre
de octubre
the dark clouds cling sky to sea
blue into gray with a roar
las brujas han envenenado el cielo
del atardecer rojo
el mismo color del plumaje
pintado de las naves con trayectoria al sur
one of them
“it is time!”
to flock, flee and fly south
to the land somewhere
beneath their bellies
where my father's seed
found my mother's egg
este anochecer soleado y lluvioso
avisando del desnudo de los árboles
de sus hojas
green to yellow, to red, to brown
pillars of white castles staking claim en el horizonte
to the waters near and far
la humedad es un algodón
invisible sobre mi pecho
mis brazos extendido para
la pequeña ducha
las flores que salen
de mis huesos
del anhelo de permanecer
en una cuna resplandeciente de un sola bandera
two flags waved upon my birth
on one land
para cierta gente fue la ciudad del Atlántico:
for the boats with guns it was the Coco Solo Naval
Station Hospital
the shadow of the last bird
late in reaching the group
hears me cry out:
“dale mis saludos a la patria que no es mi
echoing among these trees recently seeded
for another millenium
cuando los inviernos calentosos
y veranos que hierven de frío
será lo normal
free speech is a house but a home lost
to invention of time and age
invenciones humanas de minutos, horas y círculos
for the circuses of the blind walls
where movement is truth
my trust in permanence
porque la justicia es otra creación presunta
los escaso escombros del estival se aventan
another year existed yet exiting
días de gris y sol helado
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Arena y Sal
La naranja y la toronja
El vinagre y la miel
Las caricias y las críticas
De las olas obtuvimos
De tierras lejanas
De pueblos al otro lado
Del cerro
Cada revuelto de la marea; un liceo
La reseca leña
Naufragada y orillada de un buque
Al comienzo del siglo pasado
…se queja del peso mío
Al oír otra vez
Palabras de declaración
Frases de promesas
Mentiras de defensa
Súplicas martirizadas
Oraciones de niñez
Mareos de infancia
Una juventud desperdiciada
Semejando ser jubilado y femenino
Desnudado de sus ramas y sus raíces
Este árbol ahora mi asiento
Se ríe y se burla
De mi confusión
El rostro delante de mí
Un lecho; una sombra de madera
Una piedra deslumbrada sin
El lucero y el resplandor del medio día
El frío no distingue
Amanecer del atardecer
El sol del este vestido de pollera
Pero al llegar al oeste
Se abriga de cuero
El cielo
Nublado o claro; expuesto al universo
¡no soy muñeco!
¡ni soy juguete!
Soy bestia
El ogro del paraíso
Un oso perdido
Buscando palmeras
En el noroeste congelado
El desliz de cada etapa
Sin impedimento
La arena debajo de mis rodillas
Ha manchado mi piel
Los granos dejando marcas rojas
Mis lágrimas
Al asomarse del párpado
Encuentran un terreno peludo
Un disfraz sin género
Sexo femenino cuerpo masculino
De la playa
Lleno de espuma y la sal del mar
Una alfombra
Dejando detrás nuestras sábanas
Recoger el soplo del viento
Que menea entre las dunas
En busca
Del mañana
El sendero
Donde el odio
Se convive
El amor
En esa playa dejé
Toda creencia en las dulzuras
de las cerezas, manzanas, fresas o zarzamoras
sin amarguras y
No como escombros de basura,
pero como sandalias inútiles
de esto
nos quedó
entre y debajo
de nuestros pies
…algo que se lava
Y desaparece de inmediato
Los barcos con sus velas
En la bahía mantienen su silencio
Interrumpido por el sonido de
mi corazón roto en quiebra: me dice
“Desde el alba al crepúsculo
Ya no creo en el amor”
Increíble, que todavía
Como la gaviota que vuela
Y flota al aire sin moverse,
Quiero amar otra vez

Morning Shadows
several government agencies
to inspect his dream of
a flag with 200 stars
25 stripes… 13 yellow, 12 black
blue suits and blue shoes
were promptly at his door
hoping to catalogue
those dreams of wild rides
tropical disguises
and topical inferences
his showers shed
ideas about a manifest
without capital
based on slavery
Freedom not based on equality
but the accountable nature
of responsibility
where faith is neither destined
or destroyed
her taciturn sleep was so ferocious
the torrent of fluid from her
heights equaled the roar
of the impermanent circumstance
and her contempt of the well to do
Her art saw things not clearly
focused or far away
hoping that all pieces
would belong
and sex would translate to love
she painted him a flag
without colors or stars
emblems or reason
the agents demanded
a tax for it
if not a confession
obtaining neither
he was inoculated
for more dreams
.of designs
deriding the nature
of democracy
disappointed they now left
discarding his delusions
of decadence and depravity
at peace for their pleasure
they both now roared
she on the porcelain precipice
he with the winds of the
fallen tumbled
echoing and chelating
through his windpipe
her climaxes remain loud
his snoring: the rumble of patriotism
their shadows: quiet
hearing the peace of night
the yellow glare incased in the squares of windows
the trail illuminated by street lights
a city's passion engulfed by the privacy
of privilege
dreaming about the cool grass
where he had once
laid his head
the morning he saw
a rooster and a rabbit
whisper his future
he knew
at noon he saw
a small beetle devour
a giant worm
but did nothing
to save the much bigger victim
Sundays are made for hymns
republics must have soldiers
shouldering the sanctimonious
who rule by credo
upon opening the box
she saw the receipts of
all the failed ideas
dreams that did not come through
one nation of providence
the cow slaughtered in Texas
its rib bones a dog’s feast
the Alaskan fish
its tail a cat’s delight
lynx’, if you prefer, bobcats
relinquishing predatory manners
in favor of scavenger generosity
machinery and weapons the province of
nutrition and cultivation
boredom and greed defined
comfort spoiled as freed time
religion the cornerstone of ego
jury unbelieving in God’s judgment
when the tide reaches the mountain
from where it came
will it be for cleansing?
nature seeking a higher ground?
the space we share
suffocated by vehicles
populated by primordial
engines feigning time consumed
the clapping of leaves
at the presence of the wind
from the breeze
drowned by the ocean
making the mountain top
an island